Discount for Mowing
For 4000 Coins
Discount for Mowing
500 Points
+10 Credit
This decreases the difficulty to get points
For 1750 Coins
Discount for Mowing
For 3500 Points
Discount for Mowing
For 7000 Points
Discount for Mowing
For 10500 Points
Credit: Your credit goes up when you pay your mowing
payments on time. The credit goes from 0 to 1000. If you dont pay mowing coins back within a month, your credit goes lower.
If you pay the mowing coins back one week before the due date or before than, your credit will go up
Mowing coins: You can buy mowing coins at the mowing coins shop. Mowing coins make it easier to pay online.
Coins are a currency that you can use to pay for mowing jobs. You can go negative with your mowing coins. There is a limit of -2000 mowing coins for new users.
Points: You get points for every dollar you spend.
The higher the lawn credit the more points you will get for every dollar you spend.
You can use these points to get discounts for mowing.